My COVID Experience

My COVID Experience

Well, it took a full year, but COVID finally caught me. All three of us (my husband, son, and I) woke up feeling sick on Tuesday, March 16. I was suspicious right away that it might be COVID because Matt and I both had that COVID-like cough—dry and unproductive but...
The Story Behind the Name

The Story Behind the Name

When my world was rocked and turned upside down, I started some heavy-duty research on health and wellness. For five years now, I’ve been reading everything I can find, listening to as many podcasts and summits as I can, and filling my brain with more data than...


Stress… it’s a powerful thing.  Although there were a lot of factors that contributed to my physical downfall in 2012, I feel that stress was not only the straw that broke the camel’s back but also the driving force of my gradual decline.  For the past...
You Don’t Know What You Got

You Don’t Know What You Got

I’ve learned SO many lessons from my health crisis experience (Side note: I don’t like the phrase “health crisis experience”. What should I call that time I went through? Taking suggestions!). I find myself driven to share those lessons and...